Sunday, March 31, 2013

Style London & Paris Interior

About 3 years ago my mom & I moved from an apartment to a house & thought up the interior design & had it remodeled. We bought a lot of books for inspiration & some of my favorites are these interior/fashion books that you can find anywhere at your general Japanese bookstore. The series picks a fashionable city & asks artist business owners to show their homes. My favorite ones are the London & Paris ones because they mix a lot of beautiful vintage pieces with edgy modern pieces which I like to think is a part of my style as well. They have a very rock n roll meets classy ballerina feel that I just can't get enough of. I am currently trying to become more of a minimalist & reinvent my bedroom & am drawing from the books for ideas. Here are some of my favorite pages!


  1. 早く一人暮らしできる日が来るといいね!そしたらチェルシーの大好きなインテリアで、ここちいいお部屋にできるからね。がんば!!
